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Fat Tenant Sues Because She Broke Cankle Not on Property!!

Am i in danger of losing a lawsuit if her claim won't go through with my insurance company?

Asked about 1 hour ago - Baltimore, MD
Practice area: Landlord & Tenant
My tenant wants to make a claim on my homeowners insurance because she broke her ankle. She broke it while at a hotel because my houses water was off during repairs. She claims the fault was she had to stay in a hotel and then got hurt. Shes grossly obese. She has no renters insurance and I no landlord insurance, only regular homeowners insurance.


  1. Answered I would say yes you are more likely to lose, but no to really losing this lawsuit. Your tenant was put out for awhile and had to go elsewhere, acts of God could have caused something to occur to make her stay at a hotel. Her breaking her ankle is an unforeseen damage you could not have expected because she had to stay at a hotel. She could maybe sue for having to pay for the hotel, but that is pretty much the limitation of her damages.
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